A Holistic Approach to Managing Dog Separation Anxiety

There are many reasons behind dog separation anxiety, but it's crucial to manage this problem with a holistic approach to improving mental health.

October 25, 2023

Dogs offer companionship, loyalty, and unconditional love. Unfortunately, dogs are very susceptible to anxiety and stress. 

Separation anxiety is very prevalent in dogs. 

Approximately one in every four to six dogs suffer from separation anxiety, with the condition being more prevalent among older canines. Such numbers only account for cases identified by pet owners.

The sad truth is…

A significant number of dogs endure this anxiety quietly, showing no overt signs of distress.

In this guide, we'll help you spot the signs of dog separation anxiety, prevent the causes, provide management strategies, and everything in between.

The Emotional Toll of Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is not a behavioural issue; it's an emotional disorder that can significantly affect your dog's mental well-being.

Understanding that this condition is not a sign of disobedience or a lack of training is crucial. It's a serious emotional challenge that requires a compassionate and holistic approach to effective management.

What is Dog Separation Anxiety?

Separation anxiety in dogs is characterized by signs of distress when the dog is left alone or separated from its primary caregiver. This anxiety is particularly common in dogs with strong emotional bonds with their owners. 

In a study conducted by Dr. Gerrard Flannagan and Dr. Dodman, they found that the predominant behaviors associated with separation anxiety included home destruction (71% of dogs), excessive barking or howling (61% of dogs), and inappropriate elimination (28% of dogs).

Recognizing the Signs: Is Your Dog Anxious?

Dogs with separation anxiety often exhibit behaviours like barking, whining, scratching at doors, indoor accidents, or attempts to escape. 

Here are some of the most obvious signs of separation anxiety in dogs:

  1. Excessive Barking or Howling When Alone

    The vocalization serves as a call for attention or a cry for help, signalling the dog's discomfort with the absence of its owner.

  2. Chewing Furniture, Digging, or Other Destructive Actions

    Chewing or digging can serve as a coping mechanism for the dog, providing a temporary distraction from the stress of being alone. 

  3. Pacing or Inability to Settle

    Dogs may pace back and forth or wander around the house, a physical expression of their internal emotional turmoil. 

  4. Urinating or Defecating Indoors Despite Being House-Trained

    House soiling can be a physical response to stress and a desperate attempt to mark territory, hoping the scent will attract the owner back to the home.

  5. Trying to Escape, Which May Result in Self-Harm

    Dogs may scratch at doors or windows, sometimes to the point of injuring themselves, in a frantic effort to reunite with their owner. 

  6. Excessive Drooling or Panting

    These symptoms are involuntary responses to stress and are the most concerning for pet owners. Excessive drooling can lead to dehydration, while constant panting may increase heart rate and respiratory stress.

In subtle cases, some dogs remain hyper-vigilant and never fully relax when alone, pacing continuously. Others may abstain from eating or drinking until their owner returns.

If you notice these behaviours, it's likely your dog is experiencing separation anxiety. Still, it's crucial to consult a veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical issues contributing to these symptoms.

Why Does Separation Anxiety in Dogs Occur?

A. Genetic Predisposition

Certain breeds have been found to have a higher likelihood of developing anxiety disorders than others. For example, breeds such as Border Collies, German Shepherds, and Labrador Retrievers have a higher predisposition to anxiety.

These breeds have high energy levels or intense focus. While these traits can make them excellent working dogs, they can also make them more prone to anxiety when they are not adequately stimulated or when they experience changes in their environment.

B. Early Life Experiences

During the early stages of life, puppies rely heavily on their mother and littermates for comfort, security, and socialization. Being abruptly separated from them can lead to feelings of insecurity and distress, which can manifest as separation anxiety. 

There are also other experiences that can potentially contribute to separation anxiety:

  • Dogs that have experienced such traumas may develop heightened anxiety when separated from their owners.

  • Dogs that have not had the opportunity to interact with other dogs, animals, or people may be more prone to separation anxiety.

Early life experiences of a dog can influence their attachment style. Dogs with secure and positive early experiences are more resilient and less prone to separation anxiety. On the other hand, dogs with negative or insecure early experiences may develop an anxious attachment style, making them more vulnerable to separation anxiety.

C. Changes in Environment or Routine

Dogs are creatures of habit. Sudden changes in their environment or daily routine can trigger separation anxiety. This could include moving to a new home, a family member leaving or joining the household, or changing the owner's work schedule.

Dogs often structure their day around their owners' routines.

An abrupt change, like suddenly working night shifts or extended hours, can disrupt this expectation. The inconsistency can make your dog anxious, leading to symptoms of separation anxiety when you're not around.

D. Over-Attachment to the Owner

Dr. Nicholas Dodman, founder of the Center for Canine Behavior Studies, categorizes separation anxiety into two distinct types:

  • An attachment disorder, where dogs form a strong bond either with a specific individual or people in general, exhibiting distress when separated from them.

  • The second type revolves around the dogs' fear of solitude.

Dogs overly attached to their owners are more likely to experience separation anxiety. This is particularly common in rescue dogs or dogs rehomed, as they may cling to their new owner out of fear of being abandoned again.

E. Medical Issues

Sometimes, the symptoms of separation anxiety can be similar to those of certain medical conditions. Pain or discomfort can make a dog more anxious

It's essential to rule out any medical issues when diagnosing separation anxiety.

For example, a dog that suddenly starts urinating inside the house might not be anxious but could be suffering from a urinary tract infection.

Similarly, excessive barking or restlessness could be signs of pain or discomfort.

F. Lack of Mental and Physical Stimulation

Dogs are intelligent creatures that require regular mental stimulation.

Boredom can exacerbate symptoms of separation anxiety. Dogs that aren't mentally or physically stimulated may become anxious when left alone. 

A well-exercised, stimulated dog is generally a well-behaved dog. 

Puzzle toys, treat-dispensing toys, and regular training sessions can keep their minds active. Physical exercise is equally important. Regular walks, playtime, and physical games like fetch can help tire them out, making them less likely to act out when left alone.

Strategies for Managing Separation Anxiety in Dogs

Managing separation anxiety in dogs requires a multi-level approach. Here's a comprehensive list of strategies to help your dog feel more secure and less anxious when left alone.

1. Behavioral Training

  • Desensitization: Gradually expose your dog to the triggers that cause anxiety, starting with short separations and gradually increasing the duration.

  • Counter-Conditioning: Train your dog to associate your departure with positive experiences like treats or playtime.

  • Obedience Training: Basic commands like 'sit,' 'stay,' and 'come' can help you control your dog's behavior and instill confidence.

2. Environmental Adjustments

  • Safe Space: Create a designated area where your dog feels secure, whether it's a crate or a specific room.

  • Comfort Items: Leave behind an item of your clothing or a favorite toy to comfort your dog.

  • Calming Aids: Consider using pheromone diffusers or calming music specifically designed for dogs.

3. Physical and Mental Stimulation

  • Regular Exercise: Physical activity can tire out your dog, making them less likely to engage in destructive behavior.

  • Mental Games: Puzzle toys and treat-dispensing toys can keep your dog mentally stimulated.

  • Socialization: Regular interaction with other dogs can help alleviate anxiety and build confidence.

4. Professional Help

  • Veterinary Consultation: Always consult your vet to rule out medical issues and to discuss the best multivitamin for dogs that could support their nervous system.

  • Behavioral Therapist: For severe cases, consider consulting a certified dog behavioral therapist who can provide specialized training techniques.

5. Nutritional Support

  • Balanced Diet: A well-balanced diet rich in essential nutrients can have a positive impact on your dog's mental health. Another method is providing an all-in-one supplement like Vitalixir Complete Daily Nutrition, ensuring that you’re not missing crucial nutrients based on your dog’s daily nutrient requirement. 

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: These are known to support brain health and can help keep your dog calm. Look for dog foods that list fish oil or flaxseed oil as ingredients.

  • B Vitamins: These are essential for a healthy nervous system. Consult your vet about adding a B-complex supplement to your dog's diet.

  • Anxiety and Calming Supplements: Ingredients like Ashwagandha and valerian root are known for their calming effects. Consult your vet for the best supplement brand for dogs that includes these ingredients.

Natural Supplements for Separation Anxiety in Dogs

Separation anxiety is a common but distressing condition that affects countless dogs. 

Natural supplements are emerging as an effective and non-invasive way to help manage this issue. These supplements, often derived from herbs, roots, and other natural sources, aim to balance your dog's nervous system and promote a sense of calm. 

Here are some of the most well-known ingredients for their calming effects on dogs:

  1. Passionflower

    Passionflower contains several compounds, including flavonoids and alkaloids, believed to contribute to its calming effects. These compounds may interact with certain receptors in the brain, such as GABA receptors, which regulate anxiety and stress.

    Passionflower has been studied for its anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effects in humans and animals. Research suggests it may help reduce anxiety by promoting relaxation, improving sleep quality, and inhibiting certain anxiety-related neurotransmitters. 

  2. Ashwagandha

    Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb commonly used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. It has been used for centuries to help the body adapt to stress and promote overall well-being. The active compounds in ashwagandha, such as withanolides, are believed to have anti-anxiety and anti-stress effects.

    Research suggests that ashwagandha may modulate the body's stress response by regulating the levels of stress hormones like cortisol. It may also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which can contribute to its overall calming effects. 

  3. Hemp Seed Oil

    Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids can help regulate neurotransmitter function and reduce inflammation in the brain, which may contribute to their calming effects.

    Hemp seed oil is derived from the hemp plant seeds (Cannabis sativa). It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, including alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), known for its potential anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that are crucial to brain health and function. 

NOTE: Always consult your veterinarian before introducing any new supplements into your dog's routine.

A Holistic Approach to Managing Separation Anxiety

Managing dog separation anxiety is a journey that requires patience, understanding, and a well-thought-out strategy. 

Aside from environmental adjustments and behavioural training, a holistic approach to nutrition is crucial to managing separation anxiety in dogs. A well-nourished dog will have a strong nervous system and better emotional health, making them more resilient to stressors like separation anxiety. 


For example, a healthy gut can significantly influence your dog's mood and stress levels…

  • Inflammatory skin conditions can cause discomfort and stress. A balanced diet rich in essential fatty acids can improve skin health, reducing one potential anxiety source.

  • Dogs with joint pain or mobility issues may experience heightened levels of stress when left alone. Proper nutrition that includes joint-supporting nutrients can improve mobility, exercise, and comfort. 

  • Providing nutrients that support brain health can lead to better mental clarity and cognitive function. A dog with mental sharpness can more easily cope with stressful situations. 

  • When a dog has the right balance of protein and other nutrients, it has the physical stamina needed to cope with stressors, including those that trigger separation anxiety.

  • A strong immune system can help a dog cope better with stress, as the body is less preoccupied with fighting infections or dealing with inflammation.

With these, we can see how an all-in-one nutrient supplement can be a game-changer in dealing with separation anxiety. These supplements are carefully formulated to provide a balanced blend of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, lipids, and superfoods to support the overall health of your fur babies. Plus, calming ingredients can also be added to the supplement to offer targeted support for dogs with separation anxiety. 

It's a holistic approach that addresses the symptoms of separation anxiety and enhances your dog's overall well-being, making them happier, healthier, and more resilient in the long run.

If you want to take a holistic approach to managing separation anxiety, you can ask your vet about Groke Pet Vitalixir, a high-quality, all-in-one liquid supplement for dogs, and Vitalixir PLUS Anxiety and Calming. 

7 months ago

Great article thanks Groke Pet!

2 months ago

so informative and helpful

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